News coverage of The Economic Club of Washington, D.C.’s Virtual Event on Thursday, June 10 2021, featuring John Stankey, CEO of AT&T.
Activist Post - AT&T CEO Confident that Congress Won’t Support Funding Municipal Broadband Plans Which Benefit Customers, Not Industry
ars TECHNICA - AT&T CEO seems confident industry can kill Biden’s municipal broadband plan
Bloomberg - ‘Like Taxing Horseshoes’: Landlines Wane, Sap U.S. Broadband Aid
Broadband Breakfast - AT&T CEO Says $60-$80 Billion in Federal Dollars Should Suffice to Bridge Digital Divide
Law360 - AT&T Pushes Back Against Parts Of Biden Broadband Plan
Next TV - AT&T’s Stankey Confirms CNN Plus Launch — How, Oh How Can He Screw This Up?
POLITICO - Potential EU digital levy could get messy